Excel Move

SKU: Excel Move

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Introducing the Excel Move, available in both Satin Silver and Cherry Red. This 6mph scooter features both front and rear suspension, 4 pole motor, solids tyres, removable basket and USB charging point, making it an ideal scooter for everyday use.

Excel Move
£1,995.00 £2,394.00

Technical Info

  • Vat Exempt Yes
  • Specifications

    • Seat width: 40cm
    • Seat depth: 40cm
    • Seat height: 43cm
    • Total height: 112cm
    • Total width: 63cm
    • Total length: 126cm
    • Total weight: 91kg (including battery)
    • Max user weight: 158kg
    • Maximum speed: 6mph
    • Range: 35 km
    • Batteries: 2 x 12V/50Ah
    • Charger: 24V/5Ah
    • Available colours: Satin Silver, Cherry Red

    *Please Note: Mile range varies depending on weather and terrain conditions. Satin Silver will have the same wheels as the Cherry Red.



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